Pipe Cleaning
Right from a very young age, I’ve been surrounded by fruits. Me and my sister always spent our holidays in Ooty at my grandfather’s house, I remember the huge garden full of different fruits and every morning my grand father would go and collect a bunch of fruits and my grandmother would make us big glasses of fresh fruit juice for breakfast. We would invite all the children we knew in the neighbourhood to enjoy the juice with us while our grandparents told us Panchtantra stories, it is truly the most prized memory I have of my childhood. A few months ago, me and my sister took voluntary retirement from work and decided to go to Ooty where long ago our grandparents lived. Though they are not with us anymore, here we feel them close.
Inspired by our childhood memories, we decided to open a fresh juice factory named after my grandparent’s home “sura-udyāna”. Never in the thirteen years of my corporate career did I feel this at peace with the work I was doing. Since many people had doubts on two middle-aged women, leaving everything behind to start a new career, we decided to handle every problem that would come our way on our own.
After setting up our factory, our business was up to a great start, people were loving our fruit juices as not only were they tasty but also came with zero preservatives. A few months later our workers starting raising concerns about the pipes, they needed to be cleaned and according to our manager, who has expertise in the business, the cleaning needed to be done every month. Since we had just started our business we didn’t want to spend a fortune on cleaning machines, after searching for a few days my sister found the VMTC drain pipe cleaning kit online, the price was in our favour so we didn’t think twice before buying the product. It has four backward firing jets the help to move the hose smoothly through the pipe to effectively clear any blockage. In order to get powerful cleaning with high pressure, the front end of the handle trigger Gun has to be connected with this drain pipe so that the other side of the drain pipe which has a nozzle can go in to the pipe that needs cleaning.
Now this is what we call an A class product, extremely efficient and right in budget. Now, with this drain pipe, we get the pipes in our factory cleaned almost every week so that our juice is as fresh as what we used to get in our childhood. The efficiency of this product is so impressive that I bought another one for home use, since the construction is old, pipe blockage has been an issue, but not anymore. I now single-handedly clean all the pipes whenever needed, not just kitchen and bathroom pipes but even the swimming pool pipes, all this has become a one person job. This product is helping us do what our grandparent’s taught us,”to be fiercely self-sufficient.”
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- Pipe Cleaning